Alex, Oklahoma Weather by Month

Located in the southwestern part of Oklahoma, Alex is a small and vibrant community known for its friendly atmosphere, rural charm, and rich agricultural heritage. Situated in Grady County, Alex is surrounded by beautiful farmland and rolling hills, offering residents and visitors alike a peaceful and scenic environment to call home or explore. With a population of approximately 600 people, Alex maintains a close-knit community feel while still providing access to essential amenities and services. While perhaps not as well-known as some of Oklahoma’s larger cities, Alex has its own unique appeal and offers a range of recreational opportunities, cultural events, and natural attractions for those who call it home.

Climate and Weather Overview

Alex experiences a subtropical climate, characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and moderate precipitation throughout the year. To provide a comprehensive overview of the weather patterns in Alex, let’s examine the average temperature, precipitation, and number of sunny days for each month of the year.

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 49°F 1.24 inches 10 days
February 53°F 1.41 inches 11 days
March 61°F 2.57 inches 12 days
April 70°F 3.35 inches 13 days
May 78°F 4.82 inches 14 days
June 86°F 4.13 inches 14 days
July 91°F 2.90 inches 14 days
August 90°F 2.82 inches 13 days
September 83°F 3.09 inches 12 days
October 73°F 3.01 inches 11 days
November 61°F 2.08 inches 10 days
December 51°F 1.54 inches 10 days

Weather by Month


January is typically the coldest month in Alex, with average temperatures around 49°F. Precipitation levels are moderate, with 1.24 inches on average. Despite the cooler temperatures, there are still 10 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and exploring the local countryside.


February sees a slight increase in temperatures, with average highs reaching 53°F. Precipitation levels also rise, averaging 1.41 inches. With 11 sunny days, residents can continue to enjoy outdoor pursuits such as fishing, camping, and visiting nearby parks and recreational areas.


March marks the transition to spring in Alex, with average temperatures rising to around 61°F. While temperatures increase, precipitation levels also rise significantly, averaging 2.57 inches. With 12 sunny days, residents can begin to enjoy outdoor activities such as gardening, picnicking, and attending community events and festivals.


April brings milder temperatures to Alex, with average highs reaching 70°F. Precipitation levels continue to increase, averaging 3.35 inches. With 13 sunny days, residents can fully embrace the arrival of spring by engaging in activities such as hiking, biking, and exploring the town’s scenic countryside and nature trails.


May sees a significant increase in temperatures, with average highs reaching 78°F. While temperatures warm up, precipitation levels also rise, averaging 4.82 inches. With 14 sunny days, residents and visitors can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as fishing, boating, and picnicking as the landscape bursts into full bloom.


June heralds the arrival of summer in Alex, with average highs reaching 86°F. While temperatures become warmer, precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to May, averaging 4.13 inches. With 14 sunny days, residents can fully embrace the summer season by engaging in activities such as swimming, camping, and attending outdoor concerts and events.


July is typically the hottest month in Alex, with average highs around 91°F. Despite the heat, precipitation levels decrease compared to June, averaging 2.90 inches. With 14 sunny days, residents can still enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, boating, and exploring the town’s scenic countryside and nature trails.


August maintains warm temperatures in Alex, with average highs of 90°F. While temperatures remain warm, precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to July, averaging 2.82 inches. With 13 sunny days, outdoor enthusiasts can continue to enjoy a variety of activities such as hiking, biking, and attending outdoor concerts and events.


As summer transitions to fall, September brings slightly cooler temperatures to Alex, with average highs of 83°F. While temperatures moderate, precipitation levels increase compared to August, averaging 3.09 inches. With 12 sunny days, residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor pursuits such as apple picking, leaf-peeping, and attending fall festivals.


October sees a further decrease in temperatures, with average highs dropping to 73°F. While temperatures become cooler, precipitation levels remain relatively high, averaging 3.01 inches. With 11 sunny days, outdoor activities such as pumpkin picking, hayrides, and hiking are popular among residents and visitors alike.


November brings cooler temperatures to Alex, with average highs around 61°F. While temperatures cool down, precipitation levels decrease compared to October, averaging 2.08 inches. With 10 sunny days, residents can still enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and exploring the town’s scenic countryside before winter sets in.


December is the coldest month in Alex, with average highs of 51°F. While temperatures are cooler, precipitation levels remain moderate, averaging 1.54 inches. With 10 sunny days, residents can embrace the holiday spirit by engaging in festive activities such as holiday light displays, ice skating, and enjoying cozy indoor gatherings with family and friends.

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